Friday, October 19, 2007


i didn't know i'd get tired of doing nothing... for the past week (s) i've been idle... Not having anything to do could really be troublesome. So to pass time, I have reviewed my list of friends in Friendster, downloaded mp3s, watched videos in youtube, watched tv episodes in tv-links, took tests in Tickle (hehe... didn't know they have so much tests -- and of varying topics! -- there :D), read some ebooks... what else is there to do???


curdledsauce said...

hehe...i know, right? try begging your boss for some real work :P hehe...but seriously if i were you, probably i'd do some self study or read some more ebooks. nakaka-konsiyensiya kasi ang manuod.

Unknown said...

hahaha i'll teach you SAP then you can do MY work =D i need all the help i can get hehehe!

snow angel said...

sure!!! i've always wanted to learn SAP!!! :D I actually fled a request to be placed on queue for trainings... sabi mo yan ha? :D