Thursday, December 20, 2007

Am I Lonely?

A friend told me that lately, I seem to be emitting a weird aura... as if something changed and no one can actually pinpoint what it is. He told me that I seem to be lonelier and more "subdued" (I don’t know exactly what he means but he was able to conclude this thru the short ym chats we occasionally have).

It made me wonder... have I really been lonelier? I can't really tell. Anyone, please… have I been really??

I know for a fact that I haven't been excessively happy the last few days, but does it actually translate to a worsening case of loneliness? And if indeed I am sadder than usual, why? I can't seem to find the reason why I could be more depressed. Nothing of much importance has happened... (my life is boring I know) and in fact, I gained new friends :) and I have achieved some of my minor (short-term) goals in life (and still in the process of getting more :P)... shouldn't I be happier?

The comment bugged me and made me reexamine my inner feelings… yes, I feel more tired than usual (I have no idea how it could be possible since my work load has decreased incredibly – compared to what I used to do in my previous company). Has it been showing in how I express myself?

So, I asked another friend. And she told me I seem to be in a state where “things seem to be stable”. Keyword: “seem”. I suppose it’s because I want it to be considered stable so I convince myself that it is…

Oh well...

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