Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Introducing Delusion :)
Delusion is a being with a world of his own. :) He is a man of few words... very few words... but numerous talents. I've known him for almost a decade now and I can attest to his genius :) (He can draw; He can write; He solves software and hardware problems like he's munching on some snacks! :D)... He has complete control and understanding of everything around him. For him, everything centers on him and him alone... but mind you, he isn't egotistic... just in certain aspects of his life :P
Miss Construed is a naturally sociable person. She has no problems dealing with all sorts of personalities.
Delusion fancies Miss Construed... a lot. Though he never admits it out loud, it is very eminent in how he talks about her all the time and how her every action affects him. But of course, only a few friends know this (those few friends have now probably doubled due to this post ... that is, if they realize who Delusion is :P). And Delusion, being true to his name, and loyal to his projected image, insists on the opposite...
In his world, Miss Construed is head-over-heels in love with him. She'd do anything to be near him. And now, their unexpected temporary separation is driving him nuts :D...
Delusion still can't admit (even to himself) his true feelings.. or probably, he, himself, isn't aware of it yet (fine, let's give him the benefit of the doubt:P). So he tries (stress on the word "tries") to divert his attention to other people... Miss FX, Miss Badminton, and Miss (es) ... nevermind :P (pardon the lack of creativity; I just don't know them well enough to know their names ... and since they're not Miss Construed, they only comprise around 10% (combined) of Delusion's stories :D) Stories of Delusion's interactions with them to follow (depending on how he'll react to this :P)
I've tried (unsuccessfully though) to make Delusion realize how he really feels towards Miss Construed and act before he loses the chance to do so. But he's very stubborn and he just won't listen to any other views (Yes Delusion, you are as stubborn as a mule! :P) Hopefully, those who know who Delusion is will help me convince him to take action ... fast! (or as suggested by a mutually close friend, at least before you go... *clues on Delusion's identity here!!!*) :P
So Delusion, get ready... your equally-stubborn friends will start badgering you :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hope - Agony - Dream ... 3?
Disclaimer: For the purpose of making this easier to write and read, I'll have Hope and Dream take on female personas and Agony take on a male one. :)
I used to really hate Dream (ok, hate is such a strong word... maybe dislike?). In my eyes, Dream has it easy. She may have her own Agony (where she could be Hope) who's also going for his own Dream... but still, Dream has another Agony waiting for her. Hope, on the other hand, is waiting for Agony but it's uncertain if she is someone else's Dream.
Dream could always opt to go with Agony. Hope may be shattered at first, but at least she won't have to wait and hold onto nothing if there really is nothing. She could start getting on with her life.
Or, Dream could straight out say No to Agony and let him move on with his life. Maybe then, he'd start noticing Hope.
Dream has a choice. So, Dream generally has it easier.
Now, after being amidst certain ... things? ... I understand her more. I understand that there really are times when there's nothing that can be done except smile, do nothing, and just let everything around you unfold. There are times when Dream just can't do anything. All she can do is ignore everything and continue living her own life, her own way. She may hurt Agony but that's part of it.
the beauty (and horrors :D) of one-sided love affairs...hahaha :D
bora hangover :D
I've had a lot of fun and met new friends at the same time. Hopefully, we get to have a second (and third, fourth, etc.) trip :)
Tama nga si Roxy, travelling like this is addicting... Rox, kelan next hop? :)
Island hoppers, pics ha? :)
Note: pics to follow ... probably in my multiply site :)
kung me shakes na ganun lang sana dito... hehehe...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hope - Agony - Dream ... update :D
I just had another talk with Agony. He's over his Dream now and he just realized that Hope's always been there. I don't know what'll happen but I can only *hope* he'll get his new Dream. ;)
I talked to another friend and realized he's also Agony. He's blinded by his Dream... so much that he forgot about everything else around him. Now, he's slowly realizing the difference between reality and dreams... and that sometimes (okay, most of the times) we just really cannot have our Dreams... but we can still have the Hope to build new Dreams :)
Hope - Agony - Dream entry :)
Note: labo? hehehe oo malabo talaga :D
Friday, May 2, 2008
calling all lourdesians :)
Unfortunately, due to some risks involved (car had to be left somewhere overnight), we had to forego the plan of visiting said islands... we went to Covelandia Family Resort. The place was nice. (more on this in another entry)...
During Tita Elsie's birthday party however, we met lots of people, the most unforgettable being Fr. Bok. He's a parish priest of the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Salasa, Bugallon, Pangasinan. According to the signs in the church, it was founded in 1714 (could possibly be one of the oldest churches in the country) and is considered a National Shrine. However, I don't know if it's just me, but I've always tagged the phrase "National Shrine" with grandiose architecture and well-maintained interiors. This was not the case with the church we visited. The architecture is good but old age (and most possibly poor maintenance) probably took toll on the building. It still held traces of its former grandeur but it's a very far cry from the shrines here in Manila (some chapels here might even be better off than this). As per Fr. Bok, he and Tito Bob (Tita Elsie's husband... one of Papa's best friends) have been slowly restructuring the shrine. They've dug through the floorings and found antique tiles. (Former priests must have chosen to place new tiles on top of the old ones instead of removing them and then replacing with new ones.) They're prioritizing the church itself, unlike others (I choose not to name any) who opt to start off lavishing the priest's chambers, thus depleting the resources even before actual work on the church begins.
Fr. Bok told us he had lots of plans for the church and its parishioners. However, due to extreme lack of funds (they are situated in a place where people mostly rely on the church for their needs - and this is where most of their funds go to), they could not afford to actuate everything they have in mind...
I'd like to help and in my simple way, I'd try to... and I'd also like to call on people especially the Lourdesians (my sister is one and I believe she's already tried to inform her classmates) to help them in any way they can. A small thing to us may mean the world to them :)
View pics of the church here