Sunday, March 6, 2011


As promised, poem #2 rewritten... (formerly titled: "...") - click here to access the old version. :)

I dreamt of flying
and of the thrill, awe, and excitement it gives

But no, I wasn't the one with the wings
I wasn't the one gliding through the clouds
I wasn't the one flying
for I am afraid of falling

I'm terrified of jumping
I'm afraid my wings won't flap
I fear all the uncertainties around me

Do I need to jump at a specific time?
Do I need to have a certain angle?
What if my calculations aren't correct?
What if the wind I'm counting on fails me?
Will I fall into oblivion?

I may never get to fly
For I am afraid of falling
And I am terrified of jumping...

But then he came
He encouraged me to jump
And told me he'd be there to catch me

So I did.
I didn't fall.

I flew.
I am flying.
And I will keep on flying
For as long as I can...
For as long as he is here flying with me...

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