Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rewritten with happy thoughts :)

It's been three years since I've last updated this blog... and a lot of things have happened. I intend to try rewriting some of my poems / lit files with a new flavor - one of happiness... :) First one would be an untitled one which I would be giving a title for this version (please click here to go to the old version):)


Once I dreamt of flying high
And being able to touch the sky
Then I dreamt of corals rare
That their beauty in my eyes they'll bare

I also dreamt of flowers in bloom
Serenading me with all sorts of tunes
(I then dreamt of a snow in June
Caressing me once in a blue moon)

Then I dreamt of having you
And now it's all coming true...

Conqueror of dreams, we thank thee
For helping us see and do what needs be
And now that we finally have each other
We'll start living our own "happily-ever-after"...

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